Colombia No. 12 coffee has a balanced and slightly sweet tone with a pleasantly fresh fruity aroma. Hints of tropical fruit and dark grape on the finish, with very low acidity.
In the rural region of Cauca, Colombia, illegal crops are being confronted. This is being countered by the ‘Generations Coffee Project’, which teaches coffee growing and integrates parents, teachers and students. Every coffee tree planted in blossom is an opportunity for social development for learners and allows them to create their own life plan. Young people who learn all they need to know about coffee in their school will have the skills for the future, to grow high quality, sustainable coffee and compete in today’s international coffee market. Every Colombia No. 12 coffee pack supports this cause!
Country of origin: Colombia
Type: castillo
Arabic: 100%
Processing: Wet washed
The CoffeeCup Selection series consists of a selection of coffees from the countries of origin of the major coffee roasters, which we believe have the best flavours and best characterise the coffees of a given roaster! We guarantee these coffees a stable taste, fresh roast and continuous availability.
Our choice is your choice…!